- Divisi works on Windows. According to Akshay. We haven't tried it. Though properly supporting Windows means a double-click .exe installer -- which setuptools can apparently make, but we haven't figured out yet.
- We finally renamed u_distances_to to u_dotproducts_with in SVD results; the name has been wrong ever since I wrote that code maybe a year and a half ago.
- I wrote csc.divisi.util.PickleDir, which I've found really helpful for hanging onto temporary data that's a little longer-lived than an ipython session.
- I improved how Divisi summarizes SVD results (in two commits).
- I refactored how Analogyspace is built, making it easier to try out different combinations of things. Object-oriented code definitely improves things, but I still don't think I hit the sweet spot; certain customizations are still too hard. Any input from software architects? It's a set of mostly composable operations, though certain things only make sense in certain cases...
- top_items had been effectively ignoring its new key parameter. Fixed.
- We had been returning squared magnitudes for tensors. Oops. Fixed. Fortunately, I don't think this was used.
- Finally got around to implementing the (pretty trivial) decomposition of a vector into the parallel and perpendicular components to another vector. That required filling out some other routines, fixing tests, etc.; I think they call that 'yak shaving'; my real goal was to figure out why AnalogySpace was coming out differently than a few weeks ago.
- All this stuff is begging a new release. In time... for now, you can use the bzr head; we try not to break the trunk too often.
I had planned to work on my thesis, but... speaking of thesis, Jayant just graduated. Thankfully he's staying a little while longer to wrap things up, so maybe he'll post something about his thesis.
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